Duke AI Health is pleased to announce the Duke Electronic Health Records Study Design Workshop (EHR-SDW) 2023. The workshop will be offered in December as a virtual five-day class (December 4 – 8, 2023) that provides foundational lectures and hands-on studios on the fundamentals of working with and designing EHR based studies.
The EHR-SDW is targeted toward individuals interested in learning about how to work with and conduct studies using electronic health records (EHR) data. EHR data are a widely available form of real-world data that have become standard in studies ranging from clinical trials, comparative effectiveness, risk prediction, and population health. The EHR-SDW will introduce the components of EHR data and introduce considerations for design of effective studies. In addition to didactic lectures, participants will get hands-on experience in working with publicly available tools to facilitate EHR studies (e.g., RxNorm, CCS codes, geocoding) as well as feedback on effective study designs that they will work on. The course will be conducted virtually via Zoom.
- To register for the EHR-SDW, please visit https://events.duke.edu/ehr-sdw-2023
- To request consideration for a scholarship, please visit https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_a3Fs9TyyK82Bkr4
The deadline for registration is Tuesday, November 28, 2023.