Portrait of Duke AI Health Director for Data Science Benjamin A. Goldstein, PhD

Duke AI Health Director for Data Science Benjamin Goldstein Promoted to Professor

Duke AI Health is delighted to congratulate Dr. Benjamin A. Goldstein on his promotion to professor in the Duke University School of Medicine’s Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics!

With a portfolio of research interests focused on using data gathered from patient electronic health records for predictive modeling and identifying sources and effects of bias in EHR data, Dr. Goldstein’s work encompasses multiple disciplines, including biostatistics, informatics, machine learning and more.

“Dr. Goldstein is a tremendous asset to the Department and to the larger world of clinical research at Duke,” noted Duke Health Chief Data Scientist and Duke AI Health Director Michael Pencina, PhD. Pencina, himself a professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, emphasized the importance of Goldstein’s wide-ranging perspective in his research.

“His truly multidisciplinary work is helping to shape our understanding of how to successfully use data from electronic health records to benefit patients and avoid unintentional harms,” he continued. “He has also demonstrated a remarkable commitment to teaching and mentoring new generations of quantitative scientists and data science-literate clinicians.”

Dr. Goldstein, who also serves as Duke AI Health’s Director of Data Science and Associate Chief Data Scientist for the Duke University Health System, oversees research projects by multiple governmental agencies, including the National Institutes of Health, the US Food and Drug Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as projects supported by industry partners. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles and has mentored numerous faculty, student and staff health data scientists at Duke and beyond.