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Duke Health Data Analytics Community Praised for Commitment to Data Democracy

In a recent post at the Tableau blog, the data visualization company praises the Duke Analytics Community (DAC) for the group’s commitment to “taking data democracy to (the) next level.” The post, which is available at the Tableau website, singled out the Duke Cancer Institute’s Claire Howell and Duke University’s Rebecca McDaniel for recognition based on their initiative in helping to create a “department-agnostic space” where users of analytics software across the School of Medicine and Health System could share ideas and improve data access.

“What made the community even more effective for data accessibility was that it included both bottoms-up participation and executive sponsors to champion programs, provide transparency about decisions affecting data analytics teams, and shine a light on leadership and community priorities.”

Duke University Health Systems takes data democracy to next level,”

The Duke Analytics Community

The DAC, whose executive sponsors are Michael Pencina, PhD, vice dean for data science and director of Duke AI Health, and Stephen Blackwelder, PhD, Chief Analytics Officer for Duke University Health System, brings together analysts at the Duke University School of Medicine and across Duke Health to share information, promote best practices, and create an analytical resources roadmap at the university. Duke AI Health Senior Informaticist Ursula Rogers is also a member of the DAC leadership team, along with Duke Anesthesiology’s Dan Cantrell and Duke University Health System’s Nelda Bradley and Wil Burgon.

All Duke Health data users are welcome to join the DAC. Learn more by clicking this link: