Duke AI Health Proposal Studio on -Omics Projects
Monday, April 5 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Hosted by David Page, PhD, Svati H. Shah, MD, MHS; and Michael Pencina, PhD
In this one-hour virtual learning experience, 3 teams of Duke investigators will discuss their proposal concepts with data science experts. Proposal concepts for the April 5th session will include genomic analysis related to sickle cell anemia, lifestyle intervention adherence, and transplant optimization.
Attendees will learn more about relevant analysis methods. More broadly, attendees will be introduced to approaches for early-stage concept ideation and refinement processes for health data science projects, as well as how to approach proposal development and submission for external funding agencies. We especially encourage Duke early-stage investigators, postdocs, and trainees to attend.
The proposal studio vLE concept, which launches in the spring 2021, grew out of AI Health’s call for applications in November 2020. The robust response to this solicitation—a total of 26 applications were submitted—revealed a high level of interest in proposal development and early-stage project ideation and prompted efforts to share this activity with a larger community of learners.
The series is co-hosted by Duke AI Health and the Duke +Data Science (+DS) program.
To register: https://training.oit.duke.edu/enroll/common/show/21/175408