Call for Student Applications
AI Health's Fall 2022 HDS Research Program
We invite Duke students to apply for the Health Data Science (HDS) fall research program. This competitive program, based in Duke AI Health, is designed to allow students who have previous experience in data science to continue their engagement with substantive applied projects.
The HDS Research Program offers Duke students, both undergraduate and graduate, the opportunity to be a part of research teams applying advanced machine learning (deep learning) to important areas of medicine. Participating students will be mentored by leading Duke faculty involved in data science research, often with guidance by practicing clinicians. The fall will culminate in a showcase session where student teams will present their results.
The fall 2022 program will be held in person at Duke’s Durham campus, based in the Rhodes iiD space in the third floor of Gross Hall.
Target Student Population
Students are eligible to apply if they have previously participated with an HDS, or engaged with Duke+DS (such as POE 190.01/790.01, EGR 190.06/590.06), have completed coursework in data science, or have had another form of substantial experience with data science. Prior exposure to machine learning methods is preferred.
Time Commitment
Students interested in this program must be prepared to devote substantive time during the fall 2022 semester, generally as an independent study project sponsored by your department, a capstone project, or as a scholarly product supporting a thesis or dissertation. Please consult your department’s requirements for specific expectations of hours and effort.
Students in the program will attend scheduled sessions, including weekly quantitative meetings with their mentor. Students will also be expected to regularly participate in related learning opportunities during the fall. In general, program-related meetings will occur in person on Wednesday mornings.
Many students engage with HDS projects over more than one semester. Most new projects will begin by working with real-world medical datasets, covering medical imaging, text, and structured data; examples include applications in cardiovascular disease, ophthalmology, dermatology, etc. In some cases it will be possible for students to work with Duke datasets after developing their modeling and analysis results.
How to Apply
To apply for the HDS fall 2022 research program, please fill out this Qualtrics form:
The preferred deadline for submissions is Monday, August 1, which will allow for earlier reviews. The final deadline for applications is Monday, August 15 by 10:00 PM Eastern Time.
Please send an e-mail to if you have any questions.
About the HDS Program
Duke AI Health is focused on developing, evaluating, and implementing artificial intelligence for health at Duke and beyond. Designed as a multidisciplinary, campus-spanning initiative, Duke AI Health connects, strengthens, amplifies, and grows multiple streams of theoretical and applied research on artificial intelligence and machine learning at the University in order to answer the most urgent and difficult challenges in medicine and population health.
The Health Data Science (HDS) program is AI Health’s experiential learning hub, directed by Ricardo Henao, PhD, Chief AI Scientist for AI Health and Assistant Professor of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics and Electrical & Computer Engineering.